Les oranges, le confiture de rhubarbe, les informations touristiques et Berne


Tourisme, Suisse, Berne

Mes pages

sur une site touristique

et une comparateur de prix d’hôtels

Les oranges et le confiture de rhubarbe de Stephane Lecuyer et de le site Cook Show.

L’Europe. La directive 96/46/CE de la Commission européenne du 16 juillet 1996 sur la mise sur marché des produits phytopharmaceutiques.

Lait. La décision de la Commission, du 14 février 1991, sur “certaines” méthodes d’analyse et de test du lait cru et du lait traité thermiquement.

Franz Fischler et Absam. PAC: révision à mi-parcours et Franz Fischler (vidéo à Absam, Autriche). Pourquoi problemes pour l’agriculture?

José Bové et la Commission

CRIS, Crise financière, économique et sociale, et réunion de commission

Nettoyage. L’OSHA (Agence européenne pour la sécurité et la santé au travail) et les risques dans l’industrie du nettoyage.

30.09.2009 Propositions pour mesures innovantes «des citoyens actifs pour l’Europe»… «La date limite de soumission des dossiers de candidature est fixée au 30 septembre»… Programme «l’Europe pour les citoyens» et action 1, mesure 1.6?


Vers un non lieu de l’affaire Zyed et Bouna? Une centrale électrique de Clichy-sous-Bois. EdF?

Deux morts à Saint-Ouen : «Des armes, il y en a partout». «Sarkozy avait promis plus de sécurité»

Bondyblog: Le couple iranien vit ses dernières heures

– Help EU, tabac, cigarette et la France. Help EU, Belgique en Français et Luxembourg en Français

Opera, Mozilla, Linux et Apple

La Suisse. Les informations touristiques et Berne? Le Marché aux Oignons (page) et un auberge de jeunesse (page). Ou videos et voyages.

01.07.09 et 13 Decembre 2010

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Easter crafts, baskets and eggs



How to make Easter eggs with fruit and vegetable dyes. With frozen blueberries, red cabbage, grape juice, beets, frozen berries, or cranberry juice, turmeric, spinach, orange juice, tea or coffee grounds.

How to dye Easter eggs: brewed coffee, blueberries, yellow onion skins, beet juice, cranberry juice, paprika, turmeric, purple grape juice, red cabbage, spinach or grass and red wine.

Easter egg decorating ideas: bluebird egg, you name it eggs, lazy daisy eggs, the perfect pair, speckled eggs, zoo-egg-ology, preppy eggs, bling bling eggs and have a nice day eggs.

Easter crafts such as bloomin’ baskets and more or Easter baskets. More about Easter here, here and here and the same post here.

Monday April 18, 2011

Greece, Mango and New Dehli. Thanksgiving, Bacon, Apricots and Turkey


Mango Festival at the IGIA, Indira Gandhi International Airport in New Dehli, India. And more about Asia below.

The Leda Hotel in Horto Pelion, Greece.

Greece and… Crete, bunches of grapes and a farmer.

Chocolate muffins and sandwiches. Blueberry and chocolate chip muffins and sandwiches.

Thanksgiving, bacon, apricots and turkey. And for Thanksgiving bacon and Turkish apricot tapas with juice of orange, lemon or lime, extra virgin olive oil, marmalade, wholegrain mustard, parsley, banana or mango chutney and pesto. Or turkey cookies by Meaghan Mountford with chocolate, confetti, cocoa and licorice. And, moreover, videos about food and cooking.

No sound of Asian Britain? Save the BBC Asian Network! From a posts of some months ago from a blog and a deejay:

Trust has received 1000 complaints to keep Asian Network open. This is ridiculous. The station is key to the Asian music scene.  Seems apathy has reared it’s ugly head in regards to Save BBC Asian Network. Come on everyone, we can do better than 1000 complaints. EMAIL srconsultation@bbc.co.uk NOW to Save BBC Asian Network. Just be honest. Keep it simple or state your reasons for not closing it down.

Do you listen to BBC Asian Network (videos) or 6 Music (videos)?

Blog. Why signing up to my blog? To read someting else about travel and cookery. Please see the right side of this page.

My profiles in NetLog, Plurk, I Like and Bebo.

Music. A playlist of mine and another one.

Does this search engine save watts/hour?

Opera, an European browser, and Mozilla, Linux and Apple

Spreadthesign, the sign language dictionary. European Commission – Education & Training

Vanilla icecream, Vanilla Toffee Crunch and Chunky Monkey

Vanilla Bean, Strawberries & Cream, Double Chocolate, Mango & Passion Fruit Madness, Lemon Meringue, Cappuccino and Sticky Toffee Fudge

Mango & Banana Smoothie, Banana & Strawberry Smoothie, Frozen Yogurt, Cappuccino and Chocolate Icecream

Saturday March 27, 2010

Updated on Wednesday November 24, 2010