United Kingdom, Dubai and Jordan


On the road to South Africa for thew FIFA World Cup there is Dubai with photos, its gold souk, the Burj Khalifa (or Burj Dubai) and the Dubai Mall.

UK. Silver Street, Dubai and BBC Asian Network. Was it a radio comedy programme?

Academic Quality Manager at the Middlesex University in Hendon, North-West London.

Manchester. Research Associate at the University of Manchester about End Of Life Care Research Methods.

Nottingham. Lecturer in International Relations at the Nottingham University.

Lancashire. Senior Lecturer in Social Work and Youth And Community Work at the Edge Hill University in North West, Lancashire.

Sunderland. Media and Design Assistant for the Sunderland University Students’ Union with today as closing date. As for the other job offers above.

London. Recruitment Consultant in Greater London, Central London, and ICT Teacher in London.

Birmingham. Business English Presessional Teachers at the University of Birmingham.

17.05.10 – London. Education Officer in South East London, Brockley.

South Tyneside. Communication Support Coordinator in South Tyneside, United Kingdom, at The Stroke, an association.

Essex. Head of Development and Communications in Chipping Ongar, Essex and United Kingdom.

Europe. You could work at the Theatre Resource, a “charity funded by the European Social Fund”, as I got to know from a text of this organisation.

Tunis, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Bahrain and… EFL teachers for the British Council in Riyadh, Jeddah and Al Kohbar (Saudi Arabia), Bahrain, Jordan, Tunis and Lybia.  In all these cases the deadline is today.

Blog. Why signing up to my blog? To read someting else about the UK, Asia and job offers that could be of interest for you and me. Please see the right side of this page.

And why following my tweets, becoming a friend of mine on Facebook and so on? Simply to chat with me or interact. My profiles in PlurkI Like, Bebo, Friendfeed, Twitter and Facebook. And do you listen to BBC Asian Network (videos) or 6 Music (videos)?

No sound for Asian Britain? Save the BBC Asian Network! From a blog and a deejay:

Trust has received 1000 complaints to keep Asian Network open. This is ridiculous. The station is key to the Asian music scene.  Seems apathy has reared it’s ugly head in regards to Save BBC Asian Network. Come on everyone, we can do better than 1000 complaints. EMAIL srconsultation@bbc.co.uk NOW to Save BBC Asian Network. Just be honest. Keep it simple or state your reasons for not closing it down.

Vanilla icecream, Vanilla Toffee Crunch and Chunky Monkey

Vanilla Bean, Strawberries & Cream, Double Chocolate, Mango & Passion Fruit Madness, Lemon Meringue, Cappuccino and Sticky Toffee Fudge

Mango & Banana Smoothie, Banana & Strawberry Smoothie, Frozen Yogurt, Cappuccino and Chocolate Icecream

Opera, an European browser, and Mozilla, Linux and Apple

Spreadthesign, the sign language dictionary. European Commission – Education & Training

Monday May 17, 2010

updated on Friday June 4, 2010

Does this search engine save watts/hour?