American trips, Pearl Jam and two elections ago

Trips to North America and an American round trip.

Arizona, Utah and Colorado. In this case the visited States were Arizona, Utah and Colorado.

Pearl Jam, Seattle, San Bernardino and New York. Eddie Vedder, the group from Seattle and Vote For Change in San Bernardino, Seattle and New York – watch this video.

Other destinations were Reading, Toledo (Ohio), Grand Rapids, St Louis, Asheville (North Carolina) and Kissimmee (Florida).

Jeff Ament is the filmmaker of this film by Rick Charnoski and Coan Nichols and mixed by Brett Eliason.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

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No sound for Asian Britain? Save the BBC Asian Network! From a blog and a deejay:

Trust has received 1000 complaints to keep Asian Network open. This is ridiculous. The station is key to the Asian music scene.  Seems apathy has reared it’s ugly head in regards to Save BBC Asian Network. Come on everyone, we can do better than 1000 complaints. EMAIL NOW to Save BBC Asian Network. Just be honest. Keep it simple or state your reasons for not closing it down.

Vanilla icecream, Vanilla Toffee Crunch and Chunky Monkey

Vanilla Bean, Strawberries & Cream, Double Chocolate, Mango & Passion Fruit Madness, Lemon Meringue, Cappuccino and Sticky Toffee Fudge

Mango & Banana Smoothie, Banana & Strawberry Smoothie, Frozen Yogurt, Cappuccino and Chocolate Icecream.

Opera, an European browser, and Mozilla, Linux and Apple

Spreadthesign, the sign language dictionary. European Commission – Education & Training

Saturday June 5, 2010

Updated on Friday July 02, 2010


Does this search engine save watts/hour?

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